Tuesday, January 23, 2007


3:30 am: Tim's alarm goes off.
3:30 1/2 am: The door bell rings. Ugh!
3:45 am: Tim leaves for CA
5:00 am: Jessie finally falls back asleep
6:30 am: Jessie gets up

Tim left this morning for San Diego, CA on a business trip. His co-worker was suppose to come at 4:00 am to pick him up for the airport - but it took less time for her to get to our house than she thought. ;)

So...this afternoon/evening I busied myself with laundry, picking up the house, mailing a package, etc., etc. Around 8:15 I sat down to watch American Idol & started knitting a baby hat for my friend. Tim called at 8:30 to find out how my day had gone and as we were chatting the door bell rang. I froze & told him someone was at our door. He said it was probably the next- door neighbor & I should answer it. I started to object, but since he was on the phone with me I went to the door.

When I opened the door - my husband was standing right in front of me. I burst into tears (yes, I'm sappy like that) what a great surprise!!

From now on, I will assume that anyone who calls me past 8:30 pm is standing on my doorstep waiting to surprise me.


Bethany said...

When I get the chance, I just might surprise you too :)

Kelly said...

I'll come with you Bethany! I'll actually be over there in a month or so. :)
So he went to Cali. and back in one day? I had to do that once for a meeting. It was horrid. But that's another story for another day. :)

Andrea @ Knitty Bitties said...

LOL ... the funniest part of the story ... picturing you telling him there is someone at the door and you don't want to answer it ... bwahhh hahahaha ... too funny. Glad you had a fun surprise. I wish someone would show up on my doorstep ;).