Thursday after school, I decided to go to the grocery store & come home to clean the house (a chore that needed to happen asap). Thursday evening after I finished all of my tasks I was minding my own business, watching TV & relaxing on the couch. Friends was on (gotta love the Tivo) and my cell phone rang - I noticed that it was almost 10:45 & Andrea's Cell was calling me. I paniced, wondering what in the world was wrong - and why was she calling so late? Here's the conversation:
J: Hellooo?!?
A: Hi...
J: Are you okay?
A: Your garage door is up.
J: WHAT? No it's not...what are you talking about?
A: Go look outside, your garage door is up.
J: Shut-up, no it's not...what are you doing?
A: Serious - look outside & check your garage door
(At this point, I'm a litte freaked out...)
J: If I get up off of the couch from underneath my 'lovie' you're going to be in trouble
(I walk to the window & peak out the front)
**It was there that I saw Andrea standing in my driveway waving at me.**
**End of conversation - because I dropped the phone & ran outside.**
So...that was my wonderful weekend surprise! Matt, Andrea, & EE came to visit. Tim was in on it with them - so they all had a great time surprising me - and of course, I LOVE it. Anytime they want to do that - is fine with me.
This would also explain why we had 1 pair of shoes in the entry way Thursday afternoon, and by Friday morning - it looked like above. So fun!
I will post some more pictures of our weekend adventure tomorrow. G'night.
1 comment:
Isn't that Andrea the sweetest? Or maybe it's her husband that is the sweetest, driving his wife 7.5 hours away to spend a much to quick weekend with her best friend.
Well, I'm glad we still have one more night here before we have to head home ... and I'm SO looking forward to your visits in November and December!
Oh and I'll be sending you an invoice for your one on one knitting insturctions!!
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