I've already begun clutch #2. Hopefully the second of many more Christmas presents to come - don't worry, I won't tell you who's getting one - don't want to ruin the surprise!! Andrea, I think I'm going to need A LOT of help on this next clutch - you'd better come back...
Matt, Andrea, & Ethan left today - I'm a sad, sad girl. I must say that having them surprise me was one of the best things ever - I loved it, I just don't love it when they leave. Nevertheless, thank you so very much for coming - & just so you know, the sheets are clean if you'd like to come back...
Happy Monday all!!

You really should stick to getting attacked by and blogging about bats!
That is a neato purse though.
What a fun surprise! I'm sure you had a great time!
Cute purse! I'm so impressed by you knitters. Maybe someday I'll have time to learn. :)
I love that purse! It's super cute. Good job! I am so jealous that Andrea got to come see you....I wish it was only a 7.5 hour drive! Maybe someday will live closer to each other....
Very nice Jessie. You are becoming quite the knitter. Since watching season three of Little House I have had a hankering to try my hand at quilting. Do you know anything about quilting?
Wow ... I am so impressed by this purse ... you must have had some teacher there knitting you through the tough spots!! So happy it "turned" out and I think it will make a special girl very happy.
P.S. Knitting alone is not nearly as fun :(.
meoowwww~ that's one hot little purse!! :) ~~~ wuv,laura
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