This morning after Kim & I returned from the gym (good job girls) we went to the Saturday Market. We started out at the market with Elijah in the sling that Kim made for him, with me. I've never carried a baby like that before and it was very fun! Until...5 minutes later, Elijah decided he didn't really need his lunch & burped everything up all over himself & the sling. So, he got a clothing change & spent the rest of his trip at the market being passed from mom to dad to uncle to aunt. :) We were able to secure some lovely vegetables & a beautiful bouquet of flowers at the market, as well as some lunch.
On our way home, we made a much needed stop at Starbucks. Hello decaf, nonfat, Pumpkin Spice latte!! Yumm...
This afternoon was spent hanging out and chatting while the boys played video games. Tim's other brother Randy also came up this afternoon to meet his new newphew. Oh and I started a new baby hat today which I hope to finish tonight, so I can begin working on Christmas gifts!! Ohhhh, la, la.
After dinner, Randy left, then shortly after that Jeff & Kim began heading back to Washington. It was a very fun day & we are thrilled that they came to visit. (Plus we got to see Elijah wearing the hat I made for him last month - fun, fun!). I think that the best job in the world right now is being an aunt - with 2 nieces & 2 newphews, I'm starting to get the hang of it.

Ok, so it took me a minute to figure out the 2 nephews thing.....but, I'm a smart girl and finally got it! Elijah is too cute! Glad you had a fun visit.
HA Erin ... I'm right there with you but then, ah-ha, I think one of those belongs to me ;).
The hat (and Elijah) are adorable. So glad you got in some fun baby lovin'. And knit on sister!
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