Thursday night, I was making a list of songs for school & Deacon HAD to come up. So I let him jump into my lap while I sat at the computer with my paper & pen. I put the pen down & seconds later it was in his mouth. Then...he pushed it over to the paper. I think he was just playing with it - but I thought it was too funny that he pushed it onto the paper. I decided to get my camera then & had him pose for this shot. :) Deacon, my office assistant.
Later on Thursday night, my brother & sister-in-law & my cute nephew arrived from Seattle. They stayed for the weekend & we had a wonderful time. Eli is getting so big - he can talk now & he does the funniest things. He cracked us up all weekend.We crammed a lot of play time, relaxation, & productivity into 3 short days - I don't really have the energy to expound upon tonight - but here are some pictures from their time here with us...I hope that will work for now. :)
Auntie Jessie & Eli
My cute nephew
Happy Birthday Kim!!! I hope you had a fantastic day!!
Here is Kim (isn't she cute?!) & our soon to be ?!!? I think it's a new nephew...only time will tell. I got to feel the baby kick on Sunday afternoon - it was awesome.
Cute photos!
HA! LOVE that picture of Deacon ... totally making me smile and especially since I know all you had to do to "pose" him was put the pen on his paw. He's so weird!
And Eli is cute, cute, cute. Glad you got to have some special time with him and Jeff & Kim (who is looking very happy and very pregnant ... love a pregnant belly).
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