So tonight as I was driving home from work, trying to talk to my husband hands free - my headset died. This was the last straw. For the past several weeks I've been having issues with my phone. 6 years ago, I wouldn't have thought anything of this, but because I dated & then married the man that I did - I've become a gadget girl. I love gadgets. Before I met Tim, I had the same cell phone for 7 years. Since we've been married, I've had 4 new is #5...

It's so pretty. It's the same phone that
Miss Erin, her mother, & sister have too. I'm not trying to be a copy cat in this situation -I just really liked the phone & of course the color is lovely. So all evening Tim & I have been taking turns playing with the phone. I think he enjoys getting new gadgets for me almost as much as he enjoys getting them for himself. He's currently trying to upload my 'Cliff Hanger' ring tone from the Price Is Right. And of course I'll need 'Manamanah' back for when Laura calls...
I have that exact same phone too!!!! I love it!!!
Copy cat, copy cat!!! :P
I could have got that one when I upgraded, but went with my LG, which looks just like yours, just Black. And I've really like mine, so I hope you have as good of luck with yours as I've had. Maybe I should try out the bluetooth feature on mine and go hands free? I'll wait and see how well yours works ... but please, DO NOT become one of those people that has the thing in their ear wherever they are ... just chatting about ... it's just plain creepy, k? ;)
copy cat! :)
I have that same phone and love it!!
I was going to say, I think that's the same phone Kim has.
I agree with Andrea about walking around talking hands free. :)
I am really behind on commenting here but I have been reading. :)
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