Is it really Sunday night already?! This weekend has gone too quickly. Here's a recap of what we did...
Friday after school we had our staff party. We left there, came home, changed clothes & headed out to another Christmas party hosted by one of Tim's co-workers. We had a nice time there, but I was very tired by around 9:30, so we came home. Saturday I went and got my nails done (horray for a French Manicure!!) & then I cleaned up the house. We left in the afternoon for a performance that lasted until the evening. When we were finished with our performances (we had 3 in a period of 4 hours) we went & ran errands. Sunday I admit, we skipped church to catch up on some much needed sleep. When we awoke, we hung around the house. I didn't get dressed until 1:00!! That never happens. We got ready & headed off to another set of 3 performances (these are all for the choir we sing with The Willamette Master Chorus). When we finished with that, we came home where Mark, Laura, & the girls met us. We had dinner and played around until it was time for the girls to go to bed, and they left. What a whirlwind weekend. Tim & I were both commenting earlier today that we need one more day because we don't feel like we got a weekend. Although...I may think that every weekend. :)
Thank you for your patience last week - this week I only have 1 concert for kids & 3 concerts for me (again, with the Master Chorus). Happy Sunday all!!

Pheewww, I'm tired just reading about it ... you've just been go, go, go. However, I'm "guessing" you're going to more than make up for it next week with daily naps with the lovie!
Ony 4 days to go ... you can do it!
Uhm ... it's Friday ... and still no new post ... your loosing your audience babe!
I've tried commenting a couple times but for some reason it won't let me through. Let's see if it works...
Yea it worked! Now an actual comment on the post
Wow! Sounds like you've been busy. Christmas break is coming up soon though right? When will you be here? Maybe you, Andrea, Bethany & I can get together for a quick catch up if you have time. Gosh how long has it been since the 4 of us have hung out???
New post, new post, new post ... I'm in beta and look at all my pretty pictures and posts today ;).
What are you doing with all this free time ... getting pampered, napping, knitting?!?! :P
Twiddling thumbs ... still waiting ... still nothing ...
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