Tuesday, December 11, 2007

52 Card Scrap-Up

Yes, I'm still doing 52 card scrap-up. I'm just a few days behind...

Here we are with week #8 - I think. Wow! Anyway, the prompt issued by My Andrea was 'your favorite ornament'. Mine is my red reindeer that I made out of salt dough in Kindergarten. Thank you Mrs. Powell...

The sad part of the story is that when I was in high school, we moved to a house where my mom stored the Christmas ornaments in the water heater closet. Apparently moisture & salt dough don't mix, because the red reindeer (did I mention he had sparkles all over him too?) fell apart. Into many, many pieces. My mom was so sad. I was so sad. The poor red reindeer was even more sad.

A few years later, my thoughtful mom painted a ceramic red reindeer - added glitter - & gave it to me for Christmas. I love it. It's like the water heater incident never even happened. Ever.

Front of the card:

Back of the card:

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1 comment:

Erin said...

love the card! so cute!
I never heard that reindeer story before...so sad and so sweet of your mom!