This is the first time I've blogged ALL year! Have you missed me? {Erin, are you rolling your eyes yet!?}.
2010 turned out to be a year of blessings for our family. I settled into my role as a stay-at-home mom & began to explore all of glory that that entails. Tim continued to work from home, in a job that he really excels in and likes & Eloise began to let her personality shine through more and more everyday. Here's a quick recap of our year.
January 1st, 2010 - Eloise begins to crawl {much to Grandma & Grandaddy's dismay - as they had just left a week before}.
March: I ran & completed my first 5k without walking!! {My only goal for the run}. My sister, My Andrea, Amanda M. Pants, & Leigh were all by my side during this run - what a fantastic event. We decided that this would be a new tradition.
On March 23, this little peach turned 1. She celebrated with two parties: An E party for her & Ethan & then a lunch party for friends & family on her special day.
In April we made the decision to put our 1st home on the market. This was difficult decision for us, but we thought we'd place it all in God's hands to see what would happen. {I think you know how this turned out}...
I also had a visit from this lovlie to celebrate this fancy lady's bridal shower. LOVE these girls. {And where did my picture go for this event}?? Sigh.

In May we went to ID to visit. At the end of May, we had our annual Harmon family beach weekend. We LOVE this weekend. Nana came out to join all of us & we had a wonderful time.

August 2nd brought my 33rd birthday & a HOUSE! Happy Birthday to me. We found our new house on my birthday & made an offer that was accepted the next day. Woo-hoo!

On August 7th, these two dear, dear friends of our tied the knot. What a BEAUTIFUL wedding it was. Congratulations bride & groom!!
A week after their wedding, Eloise took her first steps...and hasn't slowed down since.

Also in August, Auntie Kim & the boys came for 4 days to help with Eloise so I could pack up the house - what a blessing that was!!!
September 11th, we moved. It turned out to be quite an adventure & not one that I hope to repeat for a very, very long time.

October brought a new-found love for babies. Eloise loves to play with her babies.

Running, running, & more running...

Coloring was discovered this summer. E LOVES to color. Here she is coloring with her cousins, they were all dressed up in a Halloween preview outfit - & coloring away. Love these girls.

In November, we headed to the beach for a week with the D'Astrinoff's. When we got back from the beach - they stayed for 2 more weeks. What a delight!

2 days after the D'Astrinoff's left, the Adams fam gathered at the beach for a long weekend of Thanksmas. This is another annual tradition that we all love. Time with cousins, family, & 2 special holidays crammed into 4 days or less. :)

December - we lost our dear Grandma Adams. Heaven is rejoicing, while we are saddened by her passing.
We took our first official Christmas family photo. I heart it. We were once again surrounded by family, friends & love this holiday season.

What a blessing 2010 turned out to be. I can only anticipate that 2011 will hold the same. Happy New Year to you!!
You put 2010 well into this words and picture post! I really enjoyed it!! Happy NEw Year!
not rolling my eyes, but my head was shaking. "oh brother" you might say. Love the recap, much briefer than mine. Perhaps I should learn to edit? Not sure if I have the energy for my part 2 post...
What a fun recap of all those events! 2010 was a big year for you guys! I especially LOVE the family photo by the Christmas tree!!
Lovely re-cap!! I'm so glad we got to be a part of many months of your year ;). Wishing you a splendid 2011!!
((I'm thinking I should do this too!!))
P.S. Way to rock more than 4 photos ... next year we won't have to have Christmas x 18 posts ;).
Ok, I am a little behind the times. But this was sweet and so cool. I think I must copy you. Love the update and recaps!!! Hopefully for 2011 you can come visit the Joles in Redmond! :) love you all!
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