...a new post!! I'm starting to get nasty comments on my blog from people that shall remain nameless - so I thought I'd come out of hiding to post a new post.
Things are going well for us. We had an ultrasound this past week & our tech is 80% sure that.....
Things are going well for us. We had an ultrasound this past week & our tech is 80% sure that.....
It's a GIRL!!!
However, I'm refraining from scheduling a party until it is confirmed in a few weeks at my doctor's office. So for now, I'm enjoying the possibility of a baby girl. I just assumed that God would give us a boy (as did Tim), mostly because I'm so girlie & thought He might want to balance me out a little. :) Maybe our baby girl will be a 'tom-boy'.

Oh goodness!! That picture ... I just love it!! And I say let the party begin ... the surprise party! :)
Girl OR Boy this baby will be much celebrated (you'll still schedule a party if it's a boy, right ;) ... or will that be Tim's job?!?!). I could care less which it is, either one will be a wonderful blessing and just what you are to have.
Right? You get what you get and you don't throw a fit. :)
Thanks for sharing the picture, it made my morning!!
Praying for a much happier week for you this week!!
Love you!
Love it! You went at a good time to get an u/s because baby fits in one frame. Don't be surprised when you go in again that you won't be able to see the entire body in on picture :)
my vote is Tomi.
Hmmm....nasty comments huh?
That picture is great! Tom boys are the cutest...cute little girls chasing the boys with dirty hands and faces, making car noises....you'll love it!
Either way you have an adorable little baby (bald or curly I wonder?) to love and grow!
Oh yay! Girls are so much fun...can't wait to hear when it's offficial though!
I think one of my boys is going to marry your girl, then we can be in-laws together! = )
I'm still holding out for a boy.
There is so much detail! It looks like a healthy baby that will keep you up all night and keep you hopping during the day! You will love it! Congratulations! And praise God!
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