Wednesday, June 22, 2011


These past two weeks Eloise has started saying some of the cutest little phrases, like: 'Mine do it' & 'Sit' {this one refers to the window when it's going down}, but the one that takes the cake is 'Doing Mama? Doing?'. Isn't that cute?

Yeah...I thought so too. Two weeks ago. Now, it seems like it's all I hear throughout my day. So, yesterday I thought, I wonder how many times a day she says that? That's right - I kept track. I'm that mom. Guess how many times.


62 versions of 'doing Mama? doing?' 'Jessie, doing?' 'Mama Jessie, doing?' 62.

And do I answer her? Yes I do. Because she has to learn what I am doing. Even if it's only answering her questions. :) I answer every time. And most of the time - I don't even use sarcasm. That's love, people.


I was thinking of counting again tomorrow to see if I could get an accurate average...

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Nicole said...

I don't think I could resist the temptation to make stuff up. You are such a good mama! And I LOVE this pic - totally cute side of her personality shining through. =)

Andrea @ Knitty Bitties said...

Love it.
You clearly love your child more than I do (although I think we've already established that) mine. I *might* have answered the first 10 times, then I might just make up jibberish to get him to hush, then I'd full on ignore him and then revert to sarcasm. Yep, I'm that mom. Because honestly, 7 year later when the first words I hear are all about the Lego fighter/jet/destroyer/enemy/blah/blah/blah I have had to figure out how to get through the day without loosing my every loving mind ;).

P.S. The picture is ADORABLE!!

Faith said...

Thanks for sharing E's conversations. I think sometimes I used to be on auto-reply, so I'm thankful you are focused on the right things, and can even write it down during your busy days.
Enjoyed the pics as well.