Wow! So much has happened since I last blogged (imagine that!). Let me catch you up...
On Friday, we had planned to have our Valentine's Day party at school. I had my 2 room moms on it - the plan was to have cookies & juice at 2:30 while we opened our Valentine bags. After recess, I gave the kids their states test (I know, mean teacher giving a test on the day of a party....) & they were working hard on it. One of the room moms appeared (not sure how she snuck in) & asked for the 4 kids left taking the test to come into the room to finish 'my Valentine'. I reluctantly sent them in - telling them they would finish their test after the party (they were almost done anyway). So they disappear into the room while I waited in the pod. 10 seconds later, the mom comes out & tells me they are ready - so I follow her back into my classroom.
When I come in, all of my students are on the carpet at the front of the room, surrounded by presents & yelled ' SURPRISE!!'. Instead of a Valentine party - the mom's had called all the parents in my room & told them they were throwing a surprise baby shower for me. How sweet is that? I cried. I told them they couldn't do such wonderful surprise things to a pregnant lady. :) I think my tears confused some of the kids - but they were good about it. I went into my office for a moment to compose myself & saw the cake that they had brought in - it said 'Welcome Baby Ella'. SO SWEET!!
The kids couldn't wait for me to open my presents. I started opening & they oohhed & aahhhed at everything - it was precious. I think it's safe to say that Ella is well equipped in the clothing department now...
After all presents had been opened & all ooohhs & ahhhhhs had been said, we had cake. While they ate their cake, I let them open their Valentine's. By the time they were finished opening their Valentine's, the sugar had kicked in & there was no hope in finishing the test...guess what they will be doing tomorrow? :)
Saturday I spent the morning with friends from school scrap booking at my LSS. I came home & Tim & I went to dinner. After a delish dinner, we decided to walk across the street to the mall for a chocolate. We took (an expensive) detour through Nordstrom. Little did we know they were having a Hello Kitty promotion. I've been wanting to get my make-up done by a MAC consultant for several months now, so this was my chance. My sweet Valentine was kind enough to wait while the girl 'did me up'. He sat in the chair next to me & made comments to the shoppers passing by. He got lots of looks, as if he was next in line to get his make-up done. :) We ended up walking away with make-up for me & a nice new hat for him. And yes, we did eventually make it to the chocolate store for chocolate covered strawberries....yum! Thank you my love for a wonderful evening.
Sunday brought church & then my family!! It's not very often that my whole family gets together, especially at my house. They were waiting for us when we returned from church. One quick stop for lunch & we were off to the beach!! We had a wonderful time at the beach - sun was shining, it was almost 60 degrees - perfect day (minus poor Mia, who apparently has developed some car sickness. :( ).
My parents spent last night with us, (our last guests in the guest room, which will be come the nursery in the next few weeks) & we enjoyed a lazy morning of chatting, oatmeal, & Rock Band with them. Thank you Mom & Dad for coming over!! As always, it was wonderful to see you...& next time I see you, I will have a little person in my arms to meet you!!
ALL of that being said, here are some pictures from our weekend adventures (hopefully you've made it this far & are still with me! :)).
My sis, me, my Mom

Cool shot taken by Tim
What a weekend! And what a precious surprise your class had for you! And wow, your already 32 weeks! That went by really fast...I feel like I was just finding out you were pregnant at Katie and Adam's wedding! What an exciting time!
What a sweet class you have to surprise you like that. Too bad Maddy's classroom helpers aren't as creative (ha! I am one of them :D)! Her teacher is due in a week. Maybe we can plan something for when she comes back...
What a fun time to have your family around for the weekend too!
Glad you had such a lovely weekend! I adore that belly shot! It's too precious!
What a great surprise! You are going to have the best dressed little girl ever! Fun dress up for you and her! I can't wait to see pictures of her, it is getting so close! Do you have any room pictures yet, I can't wait to see what creative Jessie does to the babies room!
When is your next backup singer "tryout"? I want to be a backup singer too!
Fun weekend!! And great pics. I love the naked belly one. You're so cute. :) Hope you've been enjoying your week.
Thanks so much for the comment! I am really excited about that possibility... with the purse. You know, we will be up on the 19th of March... Maybe I could leave it with Manda? Maybe I could meet you in person? By that time you will be very far along :).
Have a great day!!
That is so cool! I love that your kids threw you a shower! And I love that you cried. :) so sweet.
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