Here are the first glimpses of our baby! We were blessed to have an ultrasound done last week at Tim's old work by our friend Kelly. She snuck us in & let us watch our little one play around for about 20 minutes! It was fantastic. These pics are a little fuzzy -but you get the idea. Baby's heartbeat was 163 beats a minute & baby is already 3 inches long - head to rump. So Kelly moved my due date up to April 5th, making me 13 weeks tomorrow! Hello second trimester!!

Aw! I'm glad you got a little sneak peek. It makes it a little more real doesn't it? I can't wait until your next ultrasound to see what you're having.
I don't think anything else speaks of the greatness of God as much as the miracle of life ... just look at that amazing little person growing inside of you!! Singing praises that everything looks and sounds right on track!!
I can't wait for some real like snugglin' ... maybe a week and a half earlier than I'd hoped :).
Happy Day!
How sweet!! It is always fun to get to see them early on!
Oh you lucky girl! What a beautiful little baby (yes, even the grainy picture of a pea pod is beautiful)! I can't wait to meet the little bundle of joy!
Isn't it so great to get those cool pictures?! How fun to have a friend to let you just watch your baby! Love it :)
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