Now, to the real story of the evening. I met my friend Jenny for dinner (we missed you Trisha) for girls night out. We went to the Best Little Roadhouse in Salem, a nicer restaurant that we've both been to many times. We were seated right next to a vaulted skylight - no big deal, right?
About 5 minutes after we were seated, a lady comes walking by stops and looks up into the skylight. We look too - and don't see anything. A few minutes later she comes back with a man, both of them look up and point - we do too, and see nothing. A couple of minutes later, a waiter walks by, looks up - we do too - nothing. Then two waiters - nothing. Then a waitress -this time...something.
Jenny says - 'oh, it's a bird!'. But the bird is not fluttering it's wings as it flies. My biggest fear is confirmed - it's a BAT!! (Now for those of you who don't know, I have an unhealthy fear of bats dating back to my childhood...) I yelled out (in the restaurant mind you) 'THAT'S NOT A BIRD, IT'S A BAT!!!' *Cringe* Then I start to relay the story to Jenny about how when we were kids, we had a cabin and a bat got in and flew above our heads...we thought it was a black butterfly, but we were terribly, terribly wrong. So, I'm halfway through my story about this to Jenny when the blasted bat dives right behind me by my head. She points and screams, so I scream. Then it does it again - this time right above both of our heads. It then proceeds to the nearest hallway (as any bat would) and flies out of sight. (Are you picturing this yet?)
Just then the waiter shows up to ask if everything is okay - obviously not. He tells us we can move and we are up moving our things before he knows what's happened. Apparently they were re-doing their floors yesterday and the day before when this small creature decided to make the restaurant it's new home. We were much happier outside - although still a little shaken by the whole situation. Thanks to a phone call from Tim when I got home, they are sending complimentary appetizer coupons. I'm not ready to go back just yet I'll give them a few days to take care of their little black friend, then we'll talk.

What she didn't mention was that she wouldn't call the manager herself (for those of you who don't know her, she doesn't like calling the pizza place either) *wink* Alas, I've already said too much!
Do we need to watch you in case you start to foam at the mouth, from the bat of course?
Only you ;)
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