Tuesday, May 24, 2011


On Mother's Day, we set out for Target to purchase a helmet for our little pea. One of our friends had just given us their hand-me-down 3 wheel Dora scooter, & Eloise needed a helmet to ride it. So...what did we come out of Target with??!!?

Yep. A new BIKE! It's Sooooo fun. Eloise loves it, but I think I might love it more. I ask her everyday if she wants to ride her bike. :) Today she turned me down for the stroller - ah well.

It's a Radio Flyer tricycle with a pink basket on the back & a bell. Hee, hee. I love the 'parent handle' & when she puts her feet on the pedals, they don't move unless she wants them to. As she gets older, it turns into a 'real' tricycle.

And we did walk out with a helmet. :) Honestly, I think these pics are the only time she's ridden her bike without her helmet. Promise. She calls it her hat & asks to wear it before she gets on her bike. Safety first! :)

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summer said...

does it get any cuter?! can't wait to see you and miss e this weekend, and pretty sure i'd like one of those bikes in adult size. i'd leave the parent handle on and let marshall push me ;)

Kelly said...


(my kids don't wear helmets :))